But the two countries have agreed to return wartime operational control of South Korean forces to Seoul in2012. 但是美韩两国已经同意在2012年把战时作战指挥权由华盛顿移交给首尔。
It is most suited to full-time Message Broker administrators and provides many features that enable advanced operational control and monitoring. 它提供许多支持高级操作控制和监控的特性,非常适合全职的MessageBroker管理员。
The division of labour was immediately decided: Mr Yang runs the board of directors and sets the strategic direction and Mr Amelio has operational control. 阿梅里奥加盟后,二人的分工迅速决定:杨元庆掌管董事会,把握战略方向,阿梅里奥负责公司运营。
Heavy-duty combination freight train longitudinal force analysis and operational control strategy 重载组合货运列车纵向力的分析以及操作控制策略
Serum amylase and the histological score of sodium taurocholate group were significantly higher than those of operational control group. 牛磺胆酸钠组与手术对照组相比,大鼠的血清淀粉酶明显增高、胰腺组织学改变明显;
A Study on the Pre-warning of Operational Control of PRED System in YiChun Forest Region 伊春林区PRED系统运行控制预警系统研究
Chesapeake will retain operational control of the Mississippi lime field. 切萨皮克公司将保留密西西比灰岩油气田的作业控制权。
All operational control will be vested in the British Chiefs of Staff acting under His Majesty's Government. 作战的全部指挥权,授予国王陛下政府领导下的英国参谋长委员会,一切命令都要通过他们。
Process method is the basis of operational control. 运行控制的基础是过程方法。
Privileged Citigroup has operational control of unlisted Guangdong Development Bank. 获得破例待遇的花旗集团(Citigroup)对未上市的广东发展银行(GuangdongDevelopmentBank)拥有运营控制权。
Teaching course: Project Planning and Operational Control and Organisational Project Management. 讲授《项目计划与控制》及《组织化项目管理》。
Have him maintain operational control the moment he's on site. 他一道现场就让他做战略指挥。
Beyond making policy, the board places operational control in the hands of a chief executive officer ( CEO). 董事会只决定政策,而把具体运作交给一名行政主管去做。
Game controls: mouse operational control cur direction, click the left mouse button or catch a ball serve said. 游戏操作:鼠标操作控制小人的方向,点击鼠标左键表示发球或者接球。
Chesapeake will retain operational control. Chesapeake将保留经营控制权。
Mr Chu said First Eastern's approach as a buy-in group content to take minority stakes in businesses as opposed to the majority and operational control sought by many international buy-out firms makes it easier to find deals in China. 诸立力表示,作为一家收购集团,第一东方满足于收购企业的少数股权这与许多国际收购公司寻求获得多数股权和经营控制权相反因此更容易在中国达成交易。
The connotation of forest engineering operational control is to control the factors influencing forest engineering activities effectively. 森林工程运行控制的内涵是对森林工程活动的作用因素进行有效地控制。
Ian Pearman, who at 37 is CEO of advertising agency AMV BBDO, says: Here, you tend to be destined for senior management if your influence over the business is significantly more than your operational control. 37岁的伊恩皮尔曼(IanPearman)是广告代理公司AMVBBDO的首席执行官,他表示:在这里,如果你对公司的影响力明显超过你的业务范畴,你往往会进入高级管理层。
Technical and operational control center 技术与操作控制中心
Foreign investors are limited to 20 per cent stakes in trust companies, giving them little operational control. 但外国投资者在信托公司的持股比例不得超过20%,使得它们几乎没有经营控制权。
This paper briefly describes the present situation, management of reliability, operational control, electricity market and economic operation of the interconnected power systems in North America. With regard to the present situation of power system dispatching in China, some suggestions are proposed. 本文简要介绍了北美联合电力系统的现状、可靠性管理、运行控制、电力市场以及经济运行等方面的情况,并结合我国电网运行管理的现状,提出了一些建议。
The technological process and operational control of glycol monoethyl ether's recovery package and applied effect were introduced. 介绍了乙二醇单甲醚回收装置的工艺流程、操作控制及其应用效果。
Stepped hierarchical structure reflected methods of information processing and decision, combined advantages of centralized control and decentralized control, and met the requirements of system control, management and operational control of single unit. 分层递阶结构体现了分层信息处理与决策的方法,综合了集中控制和分散控制的优点,能兼顾系统的控制管理和单机运行控制。
This paper makes comparison between the packing type tri-columns and double columns rectification process for methanol production. The principle and method for operational control of the plant using the packing type tri-columns rectification process are offered and the problems to be noticed are summarized. 着重对甲醇填料型三塔精馏工艺与双塔精馏工艺进行了比较,阐述了填料型三塔精馏工艺装置生产过程运行控制的原则和方法,总结了应该注意的问题。
In the working process of heavy-load operation equipment, the six-axis force measurement and real-time feedback are not only the basis of achieving the coordination of operational control and force-response control, but also important for the planning and adjusting in forging process. 重载操作装备工作过程中,六维力测量以及实时反馈是实现装备协调操作控制、力顺应控制的基础,也是规划和调整锻造工艺的重要依据。
Good operational control is the premise of micro-grid to achieve its advantages. 良好的运行控制是微电网实现诸多优势的前提,微电网的惯性小,容易受到扰动而产生振荡,所以对其稳定性的研究必不可少。
Operational Control System is one of the subsystems in Securities Services system. 运控系统是证券业务系统中的一个子系统。
The financial centralization management mode is the representative of the operational control governance structure. 财务集中管理模式是经营控制型财务管理模式的代表。
In addition to real-time monitoring system status, the interface switch by the upper button, the system can also be a series of operational control. 除了可以实时监控除尘系统的工作状态外,还可以通过上位机界面的开关按钮,对除尘系统进行一系列的操控。